Management Review2024-08-12T09:14:57-03:00Evandro Luiz Lopesevandro@cebraev.netOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>Retail Management Review</strong> (RMR) is dedicated to advancing its relevance in relation to the state of art and all aspects of retail, its management, evolution, and current theory.</p> <p>The retail field includes: products and services, supply chains, distribution channels serving retailers, relationships between retailers and members of supply channels, and all forms of direct marketing and emerging markets.</p> <p>The <strong>mission</strong> of this journal is to publish empirical research that tests, expands, or builds business management theory and contributes to the practice of retail management. All empirical methods, including qualitative, quantitative, field, laboratory and combination methods are welcome.</p> <p>For submission, articles may have an economic or behavioral approach, but all must adopt a rigorous analysis of relevant theory and existing literature. Regarding the scientific method, the empirical work should contemplate modern procedures of sampling and statistical analysis.</p> <p>To be published, the article should contemplate strong experimental and theoretical contributions and highlight the importance of these contributions to the field of management. Therefore, submissions that test, broaden, or build strong theoretical frameworks are critically examined due to the importance to business management theory and practice. This journal is not tied to any specific discipline, level of analysis or national context.</p> digital transformation journey of santa lolla: in & out marketplace2024-04-12T14:09:31-03:00Paulo Sérgio Cesar de Madureirapaulo.madureira@gmail.comEdson Crescitelliedsonc@usp.brMarcos R.<p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Santa Lolla, a benchmark in the women's shoes and accessories sector, faced the challenge of expanding its digital presence. Founded in 2004 by the Martinez siblings, the brand rapidly gained traction in the Brazilian and international markets, making appearances at global fairs like Micam in Milan.</p> <p><strong>Background:</strong> By 2023, Santa Lolla boasted over 300 franchises, and its collections were retailed in more than 1,000 multi-brand stores. The brand distinguished itself through successful collaborations with major fashion names and an unwavering commitment to sustainability. With the rise of e-commerce, the company recognized the need for digital transformation, updating its e-commerce platform, launching its own marketplace, and implementing cutting-edge ERP solutions.</p> <p><strong>Primary Challenge:</strong> During a strategic meeting, the pivotal dilemma was whether to extend the brand's presence on popular marketplaces like Mercado Livre, especially following a significant purchase reduction by one of its chief digital distributors.</p> <p><strong>Analysis:</strong> Discussions revolved around the pros and cons of joining marketplaces, considering brand image, sales control, and counterfeit risks. The initial approach was to partner with marketplaces that resonated with Santa Lolla's values.</p> <p><strong>External Insights:</strong> Birkenstock's experience with Amazon over counterfeiting concerns and an HBR case study on an electric bicycle manufacturer offered varied perspectives on the quandary.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Santa Lolla's trajectory exemplifies the challenges companies face in the digital age, deliberating on adapting to market trends and safeguarding brand image. The decision to venture into third-party marketplaces requires a thorough analysis of risks and opportunities.</p>2024-04-11T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Paulo Sérgio Cesar de Madureira, Edson Crescitelli, Marcos R. Luppe efficiency of merchandising at the point of sale2023-11-08T08:24:26-03:00Paulo Henrique Pinho de Oliveirapaulo.pinho@cefet-rj.brFernanda Costa Lasmar<p><strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Objetivo do Trabalho:</span></span></strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"> O objetivo desse estudo é analisar as estratégias de merchandising da empresa Red Bull para reverter um cenário desfavorável dentro do ponto de venda, do ponto de vista da percepção de marca.</span></span></p> <p><strong> </strong><strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Metodologia:</span></span></strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"> Esta pesquisa se baseia em uma entrevista realizada com o líder do projeto na empresa, e observações diretas dos autores a partir de informações públicas e experiências no PDV.</span></span></p> <p><strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Originalidade:</span></span></strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"> Este material resume o estudo apresentado pelos autores na elaboração de um trabalho de conclusão de curso, no Cefet-RJ.</span></span></p> <p><strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Principais Resultados:</span></span></strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"> O projeto piloto apresentou crescimento de 50% nas vendas, no entanto após implementar no Brasil inteiro os resultados obtidos foram de 31% de aumento nas vendas do produto.</span></span></p> <p><strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Contribuições Teóricas:</span></span></strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"> Este estudo contribui para a literatura sobre marketing numa perspectiva prática como um experimento, uma vez que nem sempre os autores e pesquisadores possuem recursos para implementar suas estratégias. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Desta forma, conectando-se ao referencial teórico apresentado, os autores conseguem mensurar os benefícios da estratégia de merchandising utilizada pela marca RedBull e podem servir de parâmetro para que outras empresas realizem seus próprios projetos.</span></span></p>2023-11-06T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Paulo Henrique Pinho de Oliveira, Fernanda Costa Lasmar Duarte literature review of the black friday promotional strategy2023-08-17T15:31:38-03:00Alberto<p><strong>Purpose: </strong>Black Friday (BF) is one of the most important holiday shopping day in retail. As BF expanded and became better known, increasing its share in holiday shopping season sales, it also started attracting the interest of academics This paper is a SLR on BF and its goal is to map and group the studies conducted on the promotional strategy, identifying the main topics within the scope of this study, the publications and evolution over the years, the authors who published most and their respective countries, and to deliver a consolidated list of publications to help connect researchers and further studies.</p> <p><strong>Design/methodology/approach: </strong>Applying the appropriate methodological procedures according to the guidelines of Tranfield, Denyer, & Smart (2003) and Snyder (2019), in that this process involved a search in the digital research databases using the keyword "Black_Friday" in the title, abstract or keywords of the publications listed</p> <p><strong>Findings: </strong>We found a quite fragmented literature in publications were recorded in at least 20 countries, with a fragmented distribution of authors and a practically non-existent connection between them, concentrated primarily among colleagues of the same research center. Seventeen research topics were identified in this SLR, the six most frequent being: buying attitude/intention, customer misbehavior, predictive data analysis, marketing strategies, social networks, and shopping choices/motivations.</p> <p><strong>Originality/value: </strong>The study contributes to the development of the research field of the promotional strategy , it being a starting point for future researchers who want to delve deeper into the identified topics or the potential research gaps on the subject and deliver in appendices, a complete list of work titles, year and outlet of publication, and main author in alphabetical order by last name and country of origin.</p>2023-02-10T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2023 Alberto Guerra, Nuno Fouto What has been studied in small and medium-sized enterprises?2023-09-01T16:36:05-03:00Lucas Santiagolucassan85@hotmail.comMauro<p><strong>Objective:</strong> The objective of this article is to systematize publications on omnichannel in small and medium-sized enterprises and identify the themes being addressed in this area, highlighting characteristics that aid in understanding what is being studied or not in this subject.</p> <p><strong>Methodology/Approach:</strong> To achieve this objective, a bibliometric analysis was conducted, identifying the main articles, authors, journals, methodologies, and themes used in the published articles.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> It was identified that there are few studies focusing on omnichannel in small and medium-sized enterprises. Noteworthy are the methodological diversities of the studies, and it was found that South Africa is the country that has published the most on this topic.</p> <p><strong>Theoretical/Methodological Contributions:</strong> As a contribution, this research not only structures and organizes the vision of the research regarding studies focusing on omnichannel in small and medium-sized enterprises but also points out possible gaps that can be further explored.</p> <p><strong>Relevance/Originality:</strong> The study highlights numerous research opportunities, such as the lack of studies pinpointing the difficulties in implementing omnichannel in small and medium-sized enterprises, approaches that map the service processes, and define the necessary operational structure.</p>2023-09-01T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Lucas Santiago, Mauro Vivaldini customer satisfaction influences the frequency of purchases and experimentation on other sales channels in a retailer in brazil2023-06-23T17:07:09-03:00Valéria Luisa Abreu deício Gerbaudo<p><strong>Object of analysis</strong>: Is the Net Promoter Score, an indicator used to assess customer satisfaction, also used as a performance indicator for its easy implementation, analysis and communication. Proposed by Frederich Reichheld (2003), this score works as a measure The objectives of this study were to identify whether this satisfaction score can influence customer consumption, investigate whether other sales channels end up being driven by this same factor, as well as whether there is variation in the average spend and CLV (Customer Lifetime Value) of customers according to NPS.</p> <p><strong>Methodology used:</strong> Identified the relationship between the NPS score and customer loyalty, characterized by frequency of purchases, purchases in other company channels, average spending between promoter, neutral and detractor customers and also the value of CLV per customer, in a retail company in Brazil. The company studied has national coverage, is present in 22 Brazilian states with approximately 1,100 physical stores and strong participation in the e-commerce market. The company provided the customer base that responded to the NPS survey in 2019 and, based on queries from the company's own database, the purchasing behavior of these customers in the year 2020 was raised.</p> <p><strong>The tests:</strong> Were carried out to identify if there was a difference in the NPS scores between customers of the sales channels (physical stores and e-commerce) and also according to the gender of the customers, as well as to identify if promoting customers had a higher purchase frequency, higher spending medium, higher CLV and if they tried another sales channel, when compared to neutral customers and promoters. In general, it is possible to say that strong evidence was identified that customer satisfaction (measured by NPS) directly influences the frequency of purchases, average spending, CLV and the experimentation of other consumption channels for customers of physical stores. However, evidence has shown that for e-commerce customers, this difference between the same variables is non-existent between promoter, neutral and detractor customers.</p>2023-05-11T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2023 Valéria Luisa Abreu de Araujo, Maurício Gerbaudo Morgadoí’s exponential growth – from a business unit to spin-off2023-08-17T15:29:24-03:00Patrícia Figueiredo do Pradopatriciafprado@usp.brMarcos Roberto Luppemluppe@usp.brLeonardo Butezloff de Oliveira<p><strong>Objective of the study:</strong> The case aims to propose a reflection to students about the importance of having a well-defined business strategy and putting it into practice in the day-to-day business. A current discussion of the direction of Assaí (one of the largest companies in the self-service wholesale segment) amid a global health crisis is presented. The case can be used in undergraduate or graduate courses, in the areas of business, retail, strategy and marketing. </p> <p><strong>Methodology/approach:</strong> This business case was built with secondary data, obtained from news, data from IBGE and IPEA, trade associations and publications from the retailers themselves. As the case deals with publicly traded companies, the volume of public information is quite extensive and up to date. </p> <p><strong>Main results:</strong> By the end of the case discussion, students should be able to understand: the relationship between the economic downturn and the cash-and-carry store format; the factors that contributed to the exponential growth of Assaí in the last decade; the reason why the company has not positioned itself on digital channels, even in the midst of the pandemic and the acceleration of delivery guided by the “lock-down” moment in the country; how Assaí can direct its strategies to stand out in the cash-and-carry market in Brazil. </p> <p><strong>Theoretical/methodological contributions:</strong> Any course or discipline that aims to present strategies based on the restructuring of key points to boost the company can use this case to bring relevant discussions during the class. Through the notes and suggestion of possible organization of the class for the use of the case, the teacher will be able to conduct the class considering the teaching approaches of the discipline, be it cash-and-carry retail, operational excellence in retail, digital acceleration, or competitive scenario of the food distribution market in Brazil. </p> <p><strong>Relevance/originality:</strong> The cash and carry segment, to continue growing and supplying both the final consumer and the small retailer, will need to keep cost management more and more accurate, as there is no way to have competitive prices with small margins if you do not have intelligent management of business costs. In this business case, discussions are held on the importance of having an efficient execution from a growth and expansion strategy in times of economic uncertainty in the Brazilian market.</p>2023-05-25T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2023 Patrícia Figueiredo do Prado, Marcos Roberto Luppe, Leonardo Butezloff de Oliveira Leite em mercados emergentes: o efeito da qualidade na lealdade dos consumidores2024-01-18T13:43:17-03:00Eduardo Mesquita de Sousadu.mesq@gmail.comEliane Herrero Lopesliaherrero@gmail.comMarcela<p><strong>Objective: </strong>The main objective in this study is to examine the effect of quality of m-commerce services on customer satisfaction and loyalty. In addition, we aimed to analyze the psychometric properties of the MS-SQ scale (Mobile Shopping Service Quality) in an emerging country, adjusting the instrument for this context.</p> <p><strong> </strong><strong>Methodology: </strong>We carried out a survey (n=110), analyzing the data through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).</p> <p><strong> </strong><strong>Originality</strong>: This study, despite replicating the measurement scale of the perceived quality of mobile services, is the first to test these measures in an emerging country (Brazil).</p> <p><strong>Main Results: </strong>The results of this study confirmed the four dimensions of the MS-SQ (efficiency, achievement, responsiveness, and contact), in addition to the effect of the quality of mobile shopping services on consumer satisfaction and loyalty.</p> <p><strong> </strong><strong>Theoretical Contributions: </strong>This study brings, in the scale translated from English into Portuguese and applied in Brazil, an effective management tool to measure each of the items that compose it, as a direction for understanding consumer loyalty</p>2023-12-19T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Eduardo Mesquita de Sousa, Eliane Herrero Lopes, Marcela Gonzalez red-black sea draining into a blue ocean: an analysis of the clube de regatas do flamego from the perspective of the blue ocean strategy2023-06-23T14:03:43-03:00Diogo Gabriel Teixeira de Gouvêadiogogabriel16@gmail.comRenan da Silva Machadomachado.renan.rsm@gmail.comMarina Pereira Mota da Silvamarinapmota@hotmail.comRafael Cavalcanti de Jesusrafael2cavalcanti@hotmail.comPedro<p><strong>Objective:</strong> This work analyzes the management of Clube de Regatas do Flamengo using the Blue Ocean Strategy, investigating its aspects and contributions to the club's gains, especially in football.</p> <p><strong>Method:</strong> Adopting the case study methodology, Flamengo is the object of analysis. The Blue Ocean Strategy was employed. Data was collected through document analysis, interviews, and direct observation.</p> <p><strong>Main results:</strong> The alliance between entertainment and passion attracted a large audience and increased the consumption of the club's products. The professionalization of management reduced indebtedness, increased negotiation power, and created a strong brand driven by synergy with the fans.</p> <p><strong>Relevance/originality:</strong> This study is relevant in analyzing a successful case in sports management, demonstrating how the Blue Ocean Strategy can bring positive results to a football club. It contributes to academic literature by exploring the relationship between strategy and sports management, presenting a practical case of how professionalization and strategic redirection can generate significant impacts.</p> <p><strong>Theoretical/methodological contributions:</strong> This study contributes theoretically by applying the Blue Ocean Strategy in sports management, providing insights into its applicability. The case study offers relevant details to understand Flamengo's strategic management.</p> <p><strong>Social/management contributions:</strong> The study can inspire other clubs to adopt professionalized management practices and innovative strategies, exploring the potential of their fan base as a competitive advantage. This positively impacts sports performance, financial management, and brand strengthening.</p>2023-06-06T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2023 Diogo Gabriel Teixeira de Gouvêa, Renan da Silva Machado, Marina Pereira Mota da Silva, Rafael Cavalcanti de Jesus, Pedro Senna media in attracting students in higher education: the missing incentive2024-04-23T12:47:48-03:00Thiago de Luca Sant'ana Ribeirothiago_delucka@hotmail.comGustavo Silva Gonçalvesgustavo@mkt4edu.comAnderson Antônio de Antonio Maia Lavio de<p><strong>Objective:</strong> The objective of this technical report is to present the processes and results of social media strategies in attracting students from two Brazilian higher education institutions (HEIs). </p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> We chose the case study for this research because it represents, in general, the preferred strategy when asking questions such as ‘how’ and ‘why’. The central aspect of the case study is to increase in-depth understanding of the knowledge studied, as well as bringing greater reliability and trustworthiness to the cases. In this report, two real cases of recruiting IES students are presented with the results.</p> <p><strong>Originality:</strong> In the educational sector, especially in higher education, social media has been used as an important tool for attracting students to higher education institutions (HEIs). Despite this, few studies work with real data in this segment. In this sense, it is important to understand the activities and real results of attracting students.<strong> </strong></p> <p><strong>Main results:</strong> Firstly, a table is presented summarizing the main social media activities implemented by HEIs A and B. Secondly, numbers of enrollees are presented by source of origin and by interaction with organic social media. </p> <p><strong>Managerial Contributions:</strong> The set of results demonstrates that social media has two relevant roles in the processes of attracting students. Firstly, some leads originate through social media. In other words, potential enrollees get to know the HEI or the HEI content through social media (Instagram, Facebook, among others). Secondly, social media plays a role in nurturing leads, regardless of their source of origin.</p>2024-04-15T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Thiago de Luca Sant'ana Ribeiro, Gustavo Silva Gonçalves, Anderson Antônio de Lima, Marcos Antonio Maia Lavio de Oliveira and higher education institutions relationship: emotional commitment, loyalty and love brand2023-08-17T15:29:41-03:00Breno Carvalhalbrenocarvalhal@gmail.comLuciana Florêncio De Almeidalflorencio@espm.brBruno Henrique De<p><strong>Objective: </strong>The present research purpose consisted of investigate the strength of social and academic integration, perceived quality and trust to emotional commitment to Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and its relationship with loyalty, as well as testing the impact of loyalty to HEI on brand love</p> <p><strong>Methodology: </strong>A survey method was applied with undergraduate students from a private HEI (named here as ALPHA) with 3 campuses located in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Porto Alegre, totaling 306 valid questionnaires. </p> <p><strong>Originality:</strong> The novelty consisted of replicate an adapted version of the RQSL model using only variables with high predictive power as presented in previous research. Additionally, the brand love construct was added as outcome of the student loyalty. The results demonstrated that the adaptation proved to be a reliable predictive instrument to explain that the students' loyalty to a private HEI is strongly linked to their emotional commitment.</p> <p><strong> </strong><strong>Main results: </strong>The research showed the strength of three antecedents in the construction of students' emotional commitment to HEI, namely: social and academic integration, perceived quality and trust<strong>. </strong>Brand love emerged as a significant outcome of student loyalty to a HEI. In this sense, the greater the emotional commitment, the greater the student's loyalty and, consequently, the greater brand love to the HEI.<strong><br /></strong></p> <p><strong>Theoretical Contributions: </strong>The results showed that among the four antecedent factors, social integration has a significant force. In this sense, one might consider that feeling of participation in the group and the sense of belonging are considered of great importance by the students, in addition to factors such as quality, trust and academic integration.</p>2023-04-28T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2023 Breno Carvalhal, Luciana Florêncio De Almeida, Bruno Henrique De Araujo and memetization: a reflection on paratextualization of media products2023-09-29T15:24:32-03:00Marilia Batistamariliabatista81@hotmail.comAndré de Souza-Leãoandre.sleao@ufpe.brTaynãh Andradetaynah.andrade@outlook.comBianca<p><strong>Objective:</strong> This work sought to reflect on the production of memes from the appropriation of pop culture objects, as a form of text authoring, which results in the paratextualization of these objects. Pop culture, although responsible for large market numbers, also implies cultural aspects, innovation and re-appropriation of its objects. This re-appropriation happens when we consider that the objects of the media industry are texts, because for the possibility of their consumption to exist, a certain degree of interpretation and involvement is required from the consumer. As texts, these objects are subject to paratexts, which are contents created based on a main object. In addition to this, the concept of authorship supports the statement that the creator of a text is not the best explainer and the only holder of its meanings, as the text carries within itself a limit of interpretive possibilities about it, which causes in the reader, receiver or consumer, the author-function, which positions them as subjects of the text in question. It is at the heart of active and critical participation that the prosuming subject takes an ideological stance and reaffirms his authorship, unveiling as continuous meaning relations in his production - the meme. </p> <p><strong>Originality:</strong> From the understanding of the capacity of the text of memes and paratext by Gray et al., (2007), we rely on Foucault (2009) to highlight authorship as a functionality of its own discourse, the author-function presents itself in the possibility of reinterpretation of the reader, receiver or consumer, within the threshold of possibilities of the text itself.</p> <p><strong>Main results: </strong>As research findings, we understand that the process of creating memes inspired by the pop culture objects represent a materialization of the authorial process of the appropriate text, thus resulting in the paratextualization performed by prosumers. </p> <p><strong>Theoretical Contributions:</strong> The work theoretically contributes to studies on memetization, presenting its condition of paratext from Gray (2010), also dialoguing with concepts such as Foucault's author-function (2009), which allows us to affirm that memes are species of prosumed paratexts. from an author-function, which allows other actors to be authors of a text.</p>2023-09-26T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Marilia Batista, André de Souza-Leão, Taynãh Andrade, Bianca Silva of quality and familiarity in the retail service environment, and its impact on patronage intention2024-01-18T13:49:13-03:00Flávio Bizarriasfbizarrias1973@gmail.comCintia Rosa dos Santoscintiaros@gmail.comMarlette Cassia Oliveira Ferreiramarlettecassia@gmail.comJussara da Silva Teixeira Cucatojussaracucato@gmail.comJussara Goulart da<p><strong>Objective of the study</strong> - The aim of this study is to investigate the mediating role of perceived quality and service satisfaction on the relationship between brand familiarity and patronage intention towards retail stores.</p> <p><strong>Methodology/approach</strong> - Through a survey of 400 respondents, this study employed structural equation modeling and mediation tests to test the direct and conditional hypotheses.</p> <p><strong>Findings</strong>- Perceived service quality acts as an important mediator in the link between familiarity and patronage intention. Satisfaction is also a mediator, but perceived quality is more important. In addition, consumer response to patronage intention is stronger when influenced by satisfaction than directly by perceived quality</p> <p><strong>Theoretical/methodological contributions</strong> - The study advances knowledge about quality in services, as a mediating mechanism for familiarity and impacts on favorable consumer responses.</p> <p><strong>Relevance/originality</strong> - The study is a pioneer in proposing the relationship between familiarity and quality in services.</p>2023-11-08T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Flávio Bizarrias, Cintia Rosa dos Santos, Marlette Cassia Oliveira Ferreira, Jussara da Silva Teixeira Cucato, Jussara Goulart da Silva the region's image and the customer's shopping experience influence the patronage intention in the high street retail agglomeration scenario2024-04-12T15:07:22-03:00Thiago de Andrade Guedesthiagoandradeoficial@gmail.comMarcelo Moll Brandãomollmkt@gmail.comCelio Roberto de Oliveira Filhocelio_nano@live.comArthur França<p><strong>Objective:</strong> This article aims to understand how the stable image of the region and the quality of the customer experience influence the patronage intention of street retail agglomerations through a survey of residents, customers and workers in a commercial district of a Brazilian city. </p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> This study is a quantitative, descriptive survey using primary data. Data was collected using an online questionnaire which was distributed to all individuals registered in the database of a Brazilian federal university. Structural equation modeling was used, using the SmartPLS 4 software. </p> <p><strong>Originality:</strong> The study brings new constructs to the relationship between high street retail agglomerations and patronage intention, namely the stable image of the region and the quality of the customer experience; a path that can help to build and understand the dynamics of place branding and place marketing, issues that are still little explored.<strong> </strong></p> <p><strong>Main results: </strong>Results obtained via structural equation modeling indicate that both regional image and the quality of the customer experience mediate the impact of components of the retail cluster (i.e. store atmosphere and retailer mix) on the patronage intention in that location. In addition, a positive stable regional image enhances the consumer experience and increases their likelihood of making that shopping location their preferred option, i.e. there is a serial mediation relationship in the impact of retail elements on the degree of attractiveness of a neighborhood retail cluster. </p> <p><strong>Theoretical Contributions:</strong> The research contributes to the theory of high street retail agglomerations, since the discussion extends to a more complex and elevated level by bringing aspects that highlight the image of a place as being essential to the survival of retail, which also brings evidence that contributes to the discussion of place marketing and place branding.</p>2024-04-11T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Thiago de Andrade Guedes, Marcelo Moll Brandão, Celio Roberto de Oliveira Filho, Arthur França Sarcinelli retailing: a consumer study from the perspective of attitude components2023-08-17T15:28:35-03:00Manoela Fernandes Feijómfernandesfeijo@gmail.comFilipe Campelo Xavier da<p><strong>Objective: </strong>This study aims to analyze the attitudes - judgments, positive or negative - that may be developed by consumers when exposed to phygital retail, a hybrid store model between physical and digital that has been emerging in the Brazilian scenario in recent years.</p> <p><strong>Method: </strong>The study was based on the theoretical model of attitudinal components, based on which two stages of data collection were carried out: a quantitative (online survey, with 456 respondents) and a qualitative (10 in-depth interviews), both with retail consumers nationwide.</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>A majority of positive attitudes towards phygital retailing were identified, both in cognitive and affective levels, and in terms of behavioral intention. Five categories worthy of attention about the subject were also stated, as they directly impact the development of consumers' attitudes: generational perspective, logic of familiarity and exposure, sense of security, curiosity of newness, and perspectives of future.</p> <p><strong>Relevance/originality:</strong> The contemporary nature of the subject, given that the phygital model has been reinventing the traditional store environment through technology, justifies the need for a look at the different perspectives of the relationship with the consumer.</p> <p><strong>Theoretical/methodological contributions:</strong> The study adds to the pre-existing theoretical debate on phygital retailing by filling the gap of conceptual and practical deepening of the theme in the brazilian environment, which still presented initial approaches due to the contemporaneity of the subject.</p>2023-04-03T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2023 Manoela Fernandes Feijó, Filipe Campelo Xavier da Costa consumer behavior: an exploratory study2024-08-12T09:14:57-03:00Alex Lisboa Araujo Carregosaalexlisboa@id.uff.brRenata Céli Moreira da Silva Paula<p><strong>Objective:</strong> Consumption has become an automatic and unquestionable habit for many people. The objective of the present work is to investigate the behavior of the LGBTQIAP+ consumer and to identify if they know brands that support the community and if they seek to reward those that use affirmative actions in favor of the movement. </p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The focus of the study was on the city of Macaé, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, and in-depth interviews were conducted guided by a semi-structured script. The script addressed four groups of questions: demographic data; consumption behavior and purchase decisions; representativeness; and local and future perspectives. Seven individuals belonging to the community were interviewed.</p> <p><strong>Originality:</strong> The study seeks to bring contributions to the city of Macaé, where there are few studies. Furthermore, it provides contributions regarding LGBTQIAP+ consumer behavior.<strong> </strong></p> <p><strong>Main results: </strong>The results showed a certain level of influence at the time of the purchase decision, which were based on personal aspects in the brand-individual or product-individual perspective. Some important aspects for the analyzed influence were: advertising, representativeness and originality of the product. There was an interest of individuals that brands use more genuine actions and do not focus only on LGBTQIAP+ Pride Month. </p> <p><strong>Theoretical </strong><strong>Contributions</strong>: Consumers interviewed value brands that genuinely support the cause.</p>2024-08-09T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Alex Lisboa Araujo Carregosa, Renata Céli Moreira da Silva Paula