Estratégias de Poder em Canal de Distribuição do Varejo entre Pequenas Empresas e seus Principais Fornecedores
Poder, Canal de distribuição, DesempenhoAbstract
The study of power in interorganizational relationships seems to have a multiplicity that is difficult to operationalize. The objective of this work was to analyze the strategies used by the main suppliers in the distribution channel of mini-markets and grocery stores and their impact on the performance of small commercial establishments. To this end, power was dichotomized into two major strands; the coercive and the collaborative. As a methodological procedure, a multiple case study was applied. It can be concluded that the results indicate that the power of the main suppliers of Small Enterprises (SEs) develops based on relational aspects, structural aspects and cognitive aspects, which will influence the performance of these same PEs. The development of networking capabilities seems to contribute to the understanding of channel strategies, creating central relevance in the sources of power in relationships with small companies.
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