Sustainable solution for an unsustainable form of commerce: a study in the fashion center fortaleza
Informal Trade, Fashion Fortaleza Center, SustainabilityAbstract
Objective: The present research aims to investigate how the private sector can generate sustainable solutions to public sector problems, such as the disorderly informal street commerce.
Methodology: We developed exploratory research through a case study carried out at the Fashion Fortaleza Center, a private commercial equipment developed as a solution to the disorderly informal street commerce in the center of the city of Fortaleza, which brought so many problems to the public management. For this, we used primary and secondary data. The secondary data were collected through bibliographic and documental research and internet records, and the primary data were collected through on-site observation and in-depth personal interviews with shopkeepers of the Fashion Center, called permissionaries.
Originality: The study of the Fashion Center as a sustainable solution, whose differentiated infrastructure even includes lodging for buyer clients coming from other cities, mostly "sacoleiras", justifies its choice as a case study and makes it a replicable model for other locations.
Main results: The research reveals that the partnership between the Fortaleza City Hall and private initiative entrepreneurs for the installation of the Fashion Center proved to be a sustainable co-production solution for presenting benefits in social, economic and environmental dimensions, both for the informal traders and for the city that had recovered the area of the Center, previously occupied by peddlers in unhealthy conditions.
Theoretical Contributions: In theoretical terms, the research contributes to what Brandsen & Pestoff (2006) call partnerships for the co-production of private solutions for public services by identifying the economic, social and environmental benefits under the focus of the Triple Bottom Line Theory (Elkington, 1997).
Management contributions: In managerial terms, the case presented serves as a model both for private enterprises and for the definition of public policies.
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