How the region's image and the customer's shopping experience influence the patronage intention in the high street retail agglomeration scenario
Street retail agglomeration, Stable image, Quality of experience, Patronage intentionAbstract
Objective: This article aims to understand how the stable image of the region and the quality of the customer experience influence the patronage intention of street retail agglomerations through a survey of residents, customers and workers in a commercial district of a Brazilian city.
Methodology: This study is a quantitative, descriptive survey using primary data. Data was collected using an online questionnaire which was distributed to all individuals registered in the database of a Brazilian federal university. Structural equation modeling was used, using the SmartPLS 4 software.
Originality: The study brings new constructs to the relationship between high street retail agglomerations and patronage intention, namely the stable image of the region and the quality of the customer experience; a path that can help to build and understand the dynamics of place branding and place marketing, issues that are still little explored.
Main results: Results obtained via structural equation modeling indicate that both regional image and the quality of the customer experience mediate the impact of components of the retail cluster (i.e. store atmosphere and retailer mix) on the patronage intention in that location. In addition, a positive stable regional image enhances the consumer experience and increases their likelihood of making that shopping location their preferred option, i.e. there is a serial mediation relationship in the impact of retail elements on the degree of attractiveness of a neighborhood retail cluster.
Theoretical Contributions: The research contributes to the theory of high street retail agglomerations, since the discussion extends to a more complex and elevated level by bringing aspects that highlight the image of a place as being essential to the survival of retail, which also brings evidence that contributes to the discussion of place marketing and place branding.
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