Lgbtqiap+ consumer behavior: an exploratory study
Consumer behavior, Consumption, LGBTQIAPAbstract
Objective: Consumption has become an automatic and unquestionable habit for many people. The objective of the present work is to investigate the behavior of the LGBTQIAP+ consumer and to identify if they know brands that support the community and if they seek to reward those that use affirmative actions in favor of the movement.
Methodology: The focus of the study was on the city of Macaé, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, and in-depth interviews were conducted guided by a semi-structured script. The script addressed four groups of questions: demographic data; consumption behavior and purchase decisions; representativeness; and local and future perspectives. Seven individuals belonging to the community were interviewed.
Originality: The study seeks to bring contributions to the city of Macaé, where there are few studies. Furthermore, it provides contributions regarding LGBTQIAP+ consumer behavior.
Main results: The results showed a certain level of influence at the time of the purchase decision, which were based on personal aspects in the brand-individual or product-individual perspective. Some important aspects for the analyzed influence were: advertising, representativeness and originality of the product. There was an interest of individuals that brands use more genuine actions and do not focus only on LGBTQIAP+ Pride Month.
Theoretical Contributions: Consumers interviewed value brands that genuinely support the cause.
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