Phygital retailing: a consumer study from the perspective of attitude components


  • Manoela Fernandes Feijó Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS, Rio Grande do Sul, (Brasil)
  • Filipe Campelo Xavier da Costa Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS, Rio Grande do Sul, (Brasil)



Phygital Retail, Omnichannel, Consumer attitudes


Objective: This study aims to analyze the attitudes - judgments, positive or negative - that may be developed by consumers when exposed to phygital retail, a hybrid store model between physical and digital that has been emerging in the Brazilian scenario in recent years.

Method: The study was based on the theoretical model of attitudinal components, based on which two stages of data collection were carried out: a quantitative (online survey, with 456 respondents) and a qualitative (10 in-depth interviews), both with retail consumers nationwide.

Results: A majority of positive attitudes towards phygital retailing were identified, both in cognitive and affective levels, and in terms of behavioral intention. Five categories worthy of attention about the subject were also stated, as they directly impact the development of consumers' attitudes: generational perspective, logic of familiarity and exposure, sense of security, curiosity of newness, and perspectives of future.

Relevance/originality: The contemporary nature of the subject, given that the phygital model has been reinventing the traditional store environment through technology, justifies the need for a look at the different perspectives of the relationship with the consumer.

Theoretical/methodological contributions: The study adds to the pre-existing theoretical debate on phygital retailing by filling the gap of conceptual and practical deepening of the theme in the brazilian environment, which still presented initial approaches due to the contemporaneity of the subject.


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How to Cite

Fernandes Feijó, M., & Campelo Xavier da Costa, F. (2023). Phygital retailing: a consumer study from the perspective of attitude components. Retail Management Review, 4(1), e27.



Comportamento do consumidor no cenário varejista