A red-black sea draining into a blue ocean: an analysis of the clube de regatas do flamego from the perspective of the blue ocean strategy
Organizational Strategy, Blue ocean, Flamengo Regatta ClubAbstract
Objective: This work analyzes the management of Clube de Regatas do Flamengo using the Blue Ocean Strategy, investigating its aspects and contributions to the club's gains, especially in football.
Method: Adopting the case study methodology, Flamengo is the object of analysis. The Blue Ocean Strategy was employed. Data was collected through document analysis, interviews, and direct observation.
Main results: The alliance between entertainment and passion attracted a large audience and increased the consumption of the club's products. The professionalization of management reduced indebtedness, increased negotiation power, and created a strong brand driven by synergy with the fans.
Relevance/originality: This study is relevant in analyzing a successful case in sports management, demonstrating how the Blue Ocean Strategy can bring positive results to a football club. It contributes to academic literature by exploring the relationship between strategy and sports management, presenting a practical case of how professionalization and strategic redirection can generate significant impacts.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: This study contributes theoretically by applying the Blue Ocean Strategy in sports management, providing insights into its applicability. The case study offers relevant details to understand Flamengo's strategic management.
Social/management contributions: The study can inspire other clubs to adopt professionalized management practices and innovative strategies, exploring the potential of their fan base as a competitive advantage. This positively impacts sports performance, financial management, and brand strengthening.
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